Picture sparks debate of whether Korean women are considered "easy" by foreigners
내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
Lol i wud give my number too if it's the guy on the picture.. He is tall to boot
mamacita > 내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
Good looking or not, I wouldn't give my number to anyone unless I know them. Don't know about the rest of you. This goes for both girls and guys. :/
jj > mamacita
I think its just your personal style of connecting with others. I will give my number to everyone if I am in a good mood, lol. But, it doesn't mean that I will keep contact with every of them. In the end, I'll get closer to people I'd like to and I also can end not connecting to all of hem. It depends if our topic of interests will match or not. It can also depend on more reasons.
So, seems like you are more into private person, and I am just happpened to be not too private. And there's nothing wrong with any style xD.
*of course I won't give my numbers to people who seems like criminal or people who treated you badly or people who you think that will do bad things to you
JeenieU > mamacita
근데 '백인' 때문이 아니라, 잘생긴 남자라서 호감이 아닐까요 ... (′·ω·`)
sinaì > 내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
he looks like a model to me tbh & I don't usually say that to every tall white guy but I honestly think he is. models travel everywhere whether for an editorial or campaign so maybe he's over there for work. I've seen the reactions from ppl when models are around, it's like that wherever they go, hella handsome guys get noticed & get numbers
Paola > 내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
me too XD
gguk > Paola
(Way off topic but) I'm so happy to see Min as so someone's display picture here ♡_♡
Guest > 내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
You...can't see his face.
drinkitbitch > Guest
you can't really see his face but from what you can see he looks really good.
Tall, thin, nice hair, young and good-looking. He'd get numbers anywhere tbh.
QQBBQ > 내 한국 이름은 태양입니다
Yeah that image is is no way "controversial." But yeah don't kid yourself though. The main reason why guys go to Asia is because they are interested in Asian women. Almost any straight dude working or studying in Asia went over there with the idea of hooking up with Asian booty. I'm not chastising this in any way but as empirical FACT. You guys have all been over to Asia or at least know guys who have gone to Asia that that's always one of the top motivations.
It's like being a band or playing sports. Chicks is one of the main reasons.
But do you think they're taking to the guy specifically because he is cute or because he is a foreigner who stopped them/asked them a question? Most Koreans will stop if addressed by a foreigner, it makes the access point for pick up much easier being any random white dude in Asia.
If anyone thinks it's a myth that Asian women love white guys, it's a SUBSET of Asian women but it's real. Just like everyone knows a certain type of white girl really digs black guys. It sounds a little stereotypical but I think the thing that gets confused is that a lot of Asian women can't really tell if a white guy who goes over there is awkward, a geek, social misfit etc. So that part of it is odd. But at the end of the day the Asians are looking for a white boyfriend, the white expat is looking for an Asian girlfriend. Good for them.
If it's a question of "easy" if you asked 100 expats if it were easier to date a hot girl back home or a cute local Asian probably 90% would say the obvious... so without the "judgment" Asian girls are in fact "easier." This is a real thing. You can't help but notice this if you go to Asia. Every white dude who wants one can get an Asian girlfriend. This idea shows up in the weirdest places, Colin Powell's autobiography talking about his time as base commander in SK writes that dead-end losers who couldn't get girls back in the States had Korean girlfriends hanging all over them being one of the reasons for an epidemic of AWOL in the 70s. Random.
FWIW Korean girls are actually not that bad. Colonial-brit Chinese as in Singapore, HK are the most fawning followed by Japanese.
LostRambler > QQBBQ
Uuhhh...You started off good and then sorta derailed into wtfland. I agree that regardless of where they are guys are going to try and get laid. You know what add girls as well cause why not? They need some too. And I also agree that there are groups of people with fetishes about white or asian people but...to say that asian girls are easier..and then to go so far as saying specific types of people are easier than Koreans seriously?!?!
Tamara > QQBBQ
You know, I really hate when people generalize Asian women to be "easy". I'm Asian myself and that entire comment just offended me immensely. You should stop looking in one direction and look everywhere else.
Just because Asian women can't "speak English" or can't differentiate right from wrong in a culture that isn't their own, doesn't give people the right to jump on the "Asians are easy" train. That train shouldn't exist and anyone aboard that train should get kicked off. Asians aren't stupid. Americans aren't stupid. Europeans aren't stupid. Indians aren't stupid. But the "Asians are easy" mindset? That's beyond stupid. It's disgusting and downgrading and incredibly fucked up.
If you say Westerners go to Asian countries to hook up, what about the ones who are actually living in Asian countries for a job? Or the exchange students studying? Does that just mean they're all horny? What does that mean for Asians who go to countries like Australia
do you think guys work their asses off to move into korea just to hook up what the fuck??? i mean it's so easy to say "i'm going to work so i can move there" but actually WORKING to move to another country is not a light, easy matter it takes dedication and discipline and a genuine desire to know that country and you think they are going there for the sole purpose of hooking up??
SnapIntoASlimJim > FayeGX
"do you think guys work their asses off to move into korea just to hook up what the fuck???"
Yes. You're naive to think otherwise. There have been many white men that have flat out admitted how much easier it is for them to get sex in Asian countries and have therefore moved there. On youtube there is this obese white guy named TokyoSam that named "sex" as the number one perk in living in Japan and has permanently moved there.
That's not to say that every white guy that moves to these countries does it for those reasons but to pretend as if it is so hard for everyone to just pack up and move somewhere else is naive. For some it is, for some it isn't.
Benji > QQBBQ
What you are saying has all truth. Though Korean guys also seen foreign women as easy (especially white girls who are Russian descents...even they won't be able to tell the difference, anyways as its mostly white women who are the main foreign women who go to S. Korea, excluding south east asian and southern asians.) But they get a rude awakening when they try this mentality on with western women (those born in us, canada etc.) we don't play around like that lol Since we are more individualistic than south east asians.
Wait. Are they judging from just one picture? lolol
I don't think it matter that he is white but because he is handsome.
He does look rather handsome. I think it's his looks rather than his race, too. Article is trying to start some shit.
Unfortunately there are some white guys who see East Asian women as really easy, and they really buy into that whole stereotype about Korean girls worshipping white guys, even ugly white guys. I don't think it's actually true though, I think those guys just believe it because it boosts their ego.
gomrina > anonymous
The worse is that actually the other way is the same. Some korean men also seem to think easily of foreign girls. The worse is that here it's not that surprising to give your number to someone, but they act like they already got you when they get our numbers using the "can you help me with some questions I have about your language and country?". I belived they trully were curious at first, but then you always see them with him with weird smiles or friends playing with them... --'
But yes, some stupid guys made a book of how to get korean girls.
Guest > gomrina
Yeah, and as I see it's sadly not just some Korean men...And yes, they always ask for help to get used to your country then you realize it's not what it seems like. Btw I got questions like "Have you been with a Korean guy, like dating?" from Korean guys, and they were really surprised when I said no lol. They seem to think that every girl and woman who are interested in Korea date Koreans exclusively, well there are girls like that but not everyone... I don't want to generalize, sure, there are good Korean guys, but I've never met one who I would date, there are just so many cultural differences and they seem to be kinda shallow, like I couldn't have a deep conversation with them and that's not what I look for...
gomrina > Guest
Of all korean men I met, I only thought about dating one of them, but the age gap and him needing to comeback to Korea soon made me think twice. Some korean guys are really friendly and are good to talk to, but I'd say a lot of them are playboys... X'D
Not only because of cultural differences, but because there's just a few of them whom are actually not trying to just "have a good time" in a different country. In my country specially, even some idols party when they are here. But I don't blame them nor the girls tho. It would just be better If no one would go around saying "x country girls are easy" and such.
Women in my country are actually stereotyped to be easy, i don’t think it’s the case in Korea,but it’s extremly hurtful when some of my friends joke about my country having a lot of prostitues which in my eyes is not the case,they have the same amount as any other country,it’s hurtful,i even had this friend who said he just needs to go to my country throw a 1$ and girls will be all over him, it’s pathetic and false.
Enough ranting,giving someone’s number doesn’t mean you’re easy,in every society there are ’’easy woman’’ we can’t generalise that to everyone in that country
Angélina Eang > Perseus
"i even had this friend who said he just needs to go to my country throw a 1$ and girls will be all over him, it’s pathetic and false."
Oh gosh', do you really consider him as your friend ? It's such a rude and hurtful thing to say though.
I think it might also be a matter of being a foreigner? Like in Paris women are really attracted to foreign boys and a boy trying to speak french with his accent would be considered super cute and get home with hundreds of numbers. Same when I was in San Francisco I noticed that men were really attracted to the fact that I was french.
You know I'm not surprise if korean women prefer foreigner to date or marry coz of how most korean men treat their wife like they are born to serve them!the wife hav to serve not only the husband but the inlaws as well!and they are force to resign from their job once they get maarried.they did not study from preschool to college and just end up being a housewife a,I know housewife if the most difficult job in the world
The pic might be very blurry but he looks damn fine. Obviously they approached him because of his "model like" physical appearance. The hard truth is that if he was short, obese and slobby looking the ladies wouldn't have approached him, despite his skin colour.
Are Korean men jealous? People do that aaaall the time if theyre interested in one another no matter the gender race or country... ive actually read and heard of some Korean men thinking foreign girls are easy
the Korean men commenting just sounded bitter.
Btw, I would give that guy my number, he's hella fineeeee!
the k girls gave him their number cuz he's hot not because he's white.
Oh, another article concerning itself about the way Korean women act in society,
yet theres never anything written about how Korean men act. Yawn.
Is he handsome? I can't really make out his face in that pic.
All I can see is that he's tall and blond.
Peculiar Song
This reminds me of news report where korean women took a ride from guy who good looking and had an expensive car. Seriously both of these call into question whether these ladies think of their safety enough. Stalkers, psychos, and rapists are real. Guess what they don't all look like a creeper. They come in handsome disarming packages. Just ask anyone who been stalked, abused or harmed by an otherwise perfect guy. I would never give my phone number to guy I just met or take a ride in his car. Good looks do not equal to him being a gentleman. Please ladies think of your safety first.
jimmy piplup
[+65, -154] I mean, Korean girls are known worldwide for being the easiest to seduce ㅋㅋㅋ There are even books written about it
I mean, there are books written about how dinosaurs were scaly reptiles like lizards but now everyone thinks they all had feathers so...
On another note, why does it matter if someone is "easy"? People are allowed to have as much sex as they want, or as little sex as they want with whoever they want (assuming both parties are consenting adults)
I'm not sure the problem lies in korean woman, but more in how men see foreigner in general.
I'm french and apparently it's widely known that we are easy woman...
Woman gushes over handsome men but not naive to gave their numbers to a guy
i'm blunt
lol seriously?? it just seems to me like butt hurt korean guys who can't get a date blaming their troubles on white guys.
like the comments above said, its not about race, he's actually pretty good looking. also, the fact that these korean guys are commenting on a picture with no background at all. These could be students who are friends with a foreign guy, he could be asking for directions, he could be looking for korean friends.
and lmao "its because korean women are cheap"? you mean interacting and showing interest in a guy is considered cheap?
seriously i blame this whole "controversy" on butt hurt, male tears. its like they think korean women "belong" to korean men and they shouldn't be falling out of their place. i swear koreans are so afraid of interracial relationships.
just my thought.. if theres two guys n one korean girl. both handsome but ones white n ones black or other nationality.. i think white guy have higher chance.. but not always.
But i think its minority that white guys can pick up girls easy in korea. i think they mainly date other white girls.. fact is that 80% people stick to their same nationality
This whole discussion is so wrong. Women are called a lot of things. It's always been like that. For example, what is an easy girl? A girl who sleeps around or a girl who gives her number easily? But whats wrong in wanting sex or wanting to hang out with men. If the girls find him good looking or whatever reason, they are free to give their number and that doesn't make them "easy".
the LORD
He is cute so why not?
Unicorn ♡
He's hot.
No. 8.....a hostile Korean male who isn't getting laid.
He could be bug eyed and we wouldn't know. But at first glance from this distance, yes, he looks pretty.
Korean guys who get mad at this stuff act like they wouldn't go out with a hot white girl... lol
Whether Korean or white as long as the man looks or seems rich and/or handsome South Korean women are gonna drool for them it seems. I blame all the unrealistic kdramas about rich handsome guys falling for poor stupid girls. They have rotted all these women's minds regarding romance from a very young age. LOL.
As a person living in Korea right now if that guy came up to any of my Korean friends they'd give him their numbers to hang out cause he's tall and good looking. On the other hand I've seen many a times where some random white guy would come up to my Korean friends and my friends will shut them down so quick it's like it never happened. Don't be fooled guys Korean girls are the farthest from easy and the men who think Korean girls are easy are meeting girls who want to be easy.
How is that guy cute lol? He looks like a blonde Sam pepper.
even with the picture being blurry like that, the kid looks like such a cutie~~
he's hot, i would give my number if he asked lmao
This whole discussion is so wrong. Women are called a lot of things. It's always been like that. For example, what is an easy girl? A girl who sleeps around or a girl who gives her number easily? But whats wrong in wanting sex or wanting to hang out with men. If the girls find him good looking or whatever reason, they are free to give their number and that doesn't make them "easy".
Considered easy by foreigners, jfc. This whole argument is dumb as fuck and it actually makes me angry, lol. If he's hot, why not, and if the girl's hot too, even better.
It's a matter of visuals, and this whole argument is a basis off of Asian festishization to an extent. People like hot people, the end.
Whether Korean or white as long as the man looks or seems rich and/or handsome South Korean women are gonna drool for them it seems. I blame all the unrealistic kdramas about rich handsome guys falling for poor stupid girls. They have rotted all these women's minds regarding romance from a very young age. LOL.
i live in malaysia the korean girls in my college and uni are super classy and nice. maybe because there are no white boys(jk) but they mostly hang around with each other but are very friendly.
Sad that women are considered "easy" just be talking to a guy and exchanging numbers! Maybe he wanted their line, kakao so he could learn about the Korean culture and language. After all he is there, why not make some Korean friends?
Maybe he was nice ?
he might have been a friend or a really nice guy too. they might have been giving directions somewhere.
And what if they are just university/work friends?
amaya aguero monzon
he looks tall and handsome even that bad photo !! who wouldn't give his number to him !!
I'd give him my number too.lol
that guy looks hot as hell have my number too boo
every local women in every country always find foreigner men acttractive.LOL
look in my country, these stupid celebrties. Almost all their husband or ex husband is foreigner.LOL
it's not new anymore
This is wrong... so wrong
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